
Did you know that 1 in 3 pets will become lost at some point in their lives?
A pet is lost every seven seconds, so get your pet microchipped today!

A microchip is the size of a grain and rice and is inserted between an animal’s shoulder blades. This simple procedure is just like getting a shot and does not even phase most animals! The microchip is registered with your information, so when scanned, you can be contacted.

The return rate for a dog being microchipped is 2.4 times higher than one without a chip and for a cat is 21.4 times higher!

Why microchip your cat?
Just because they may not go outside doesn’t mean that they may never escape by accident someday, so it is always good to be prepared!

For more information, email [email protected] or call (330) 539-5300.

Dog Licenses

Ohio law requires dogs over 3 months of age to be licensed.
A violation of this requirement is a criminal offense!
This is also beneficial to have if your dog becomes missing, you can quickly be notified.

Each county sets their own prices. For Trumbull County, the price is $18.00 for all dogs if the license is purchased  before January 31.
A late fee will be applied if bought after. For new dogs, the price is also $18.00, and you have  30 days to obtain a license.

We do sell licenses at the shelter from December to February. The price at the shelter is $18.75, with the .75 going towards us as a donation!
The license can be purchased when you adopt a dog from us or by anyone in the public.

Outside of these months, you can purchase the license at:
Trumbull County Auditor
160 High Street NW
Warren, OH 44481
Phone: (330) 675-2446
Fax: (330) 675-2419

For more information, visit their website at Trumbull County Auditor.

We also sell dog tags at our Have a Hart Pet Supply Store starting at $5!